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Dr. Costas Varotsos 康斯坦丁博士

Dr. Costas Varotsos康斯坦丁博士


201911月份受聘라스베가스 카지노 슬롯 머신客座教授,开展合作研究。

Professor Varotsos Costasis Full Professor in Atmospheric Physics at the Dept. of Environmental Physics and Meteorology of the Faculty of Physics andDean of the School of Scienceof the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA). Since 1989 he teaches Atmospheric and Environmental Physics and Chemistry, which are also the main topics of his research interests (e.g., Remote Sensing, Climate Dynamics, Atmospheric Physics & Chemistry, Environmental Change, Non-linear Processes). He has establishedfour international research laboratories in the Department of the Environmental Physics of UoA.He has published11 Books-monographs of SPRINGER,3 Books-monographs of CRC and MATRIX ROMand more than300 research papersand contributed with specificchapters to 6 more international booksin the fields of Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Physics & Chemistry, and Environmental Change. Also, he has published5 university Books-monographsin Greek in the field of Atmospheric Physics/Chemistry and Climate.

He isHonorary Professorof the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,Fellow(elected) of the Royal Meteorological Society (Oxford, UK)and full Member (elected)of the World Academy of Sciences (1st Class) and of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hanover, Germany). He isregular or complimentary memberof several scientific societies including the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union and the European Geophysical Union. He has convened several Sessions in Iinternational Symposia.

He hascoordinated or participated in more than 40 large international research competitive projects, funded by International Organizations (e.g. European Commission, NATO, WMO).

He has been appointed asSpecialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Science of the NATURE Publishing Group (2013-2019),Associate Editor of the “International Journal of Remote Sensing” of T&F (since 2006), Editor of the “Remote Sensing Letters” of T&F (since 2010), Editor of The Scientific World Journal of Hindawi Publ. Co. (2013-2015), Editor of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Section Environmental Engineering and Public Health of MDPI (since 2017), Editor of the Big Earth Data (T&F), Editor of Remote Sensing” of MDPI (2017 - today), Advisor of the “Environmental Science and Pollution Research” (2007-2009),Guest Editor of a number of Journals and member of the Editorial board in several International Journals indexed in WoS. He is also serving as reviewer of various Journals, EU, UN, US Scientific Proposals and Reports.

His papers have receivedmore than 7,000 citationsfrom other scientists, withH-index=57 in Web of Science (All databases), Thomson-ISI.

In particular, his contribution to the understanding of the Antarctic ozone hole split in 2002has been reported as highlight by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)( and by Thomson ISI asHot Paper in the field of Ecology / Environment.The above-said work has been announced byPress Release of Thomson Scientific(

Additionally, his contribution to the exploration of the scaling dynamics in global atmospheric temperature and ozone has been identified by Thomson-ISI ( (August 1, 2011) as “Emerging Research Fronts Paper”in the field of Geosciences.

He has been awarded thegold A.S. Popov medalof theRussian A.S. Popov Society,theRADI Award of Chinese Academy of Sciencesand theMOST/ESA Award.

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