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余科根,男,1962年生,博士,教授,博士生导师。1983年获长春地质学院(现吉林大学)仪器专业工学学士学位,1999年获澳大利亚国立大学机器人专业工学硕士学位,2003年获澳大利亚悉尼大学电气信息工程系工学博士学位。曾经在南昌大学信息工程学院、芬兰奥卢大学无线通信中心(CWC)、澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)信息通信技术中心(ICT Centre)、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(UNSW)测绘与地球空间工程系、以及武汉大学测绘学院从事科研和教学工作,现为라스베가스 카지노 슬롯 머신特聘教授。2015年入选第五批湖北省百人计划人才项目,同年荣获湖北省特聘专家称号。2013-2017,连续5年担任三个国际SCI期刊编委(IEEE TVTIEEE TAESEURASIP JASP),作为第一客座编辑,先后主办6SCI期刊专辑。在无线定位与导航领域出版五部英文学术专著,分别由IEEE-Wiley PressSpringer Nature、科学出版社等国内外知名出版社出版,其中三部获得亚马逊网站好评,参与写作超宽带通讯和遥感等领域5部英文学术专著,发表SCI期刊论文100余篇。




 1983 - 1985,江西省地质矿产局,助理工程师

 1987 - 1997,南昌大学,助教、讲师

 2003 - 2005,芬兰奥鲁大学无线通信中心,博士后

 2005 - 2009,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织,研究科学家






 2017–至今,라스베가스 카지노 슬롯 머신,教授/博导












2012 -至今,国际电气电子工程师协会(IEEE)高级会员

2016 -至今,IAG GNSS-R工作组成员

2021 –至今   IEEE航空航天与电子系统协会导航系统专家组成员

2013 - 2017IEEE TVT编委

2013 - 2017IEEETAES编委

2013 - 2017EURASIP JASP编委

2020 –至今,IEEE Access编委

2022 – 2023Remote Sensing期刊专辑(Land and Ocean Disaster Monitoring Based on Navigation Satellite System)第一客座编辑

2022 - 2023IEEE TAES期刊专辑(Machine Learning Methods for Aerial and Space Positioning and Navigation)第一客座编辑

2021–2022IEEE Access期刊专辑(Positioning and Navigation in Challenging Environments),已经收录论文7

2021-2022Remote Sensing期刊专辑(Recent Advances in GNSS Reflectometry)第一客座编辑,共收录9篇论文

2014Physical Communication期刊专辑(Indoor Navigation and Tracking)第一客座编辑,共收录5篇论文

2014EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing期刊专辑(GNSS Remote Sensing)第一客座编辑,共收录7篇论文


(1)移动卫星系统、定位导航研讨会合作主席,2016IEEE VTC-秋季国际会议,蒙特利尔,加拿大,18-21/09/2016

(2)导航定位及无线网络研讨会主席, 2017IEEE VTC-春季国际会议,悉尼,澳大利亚, 4-7/06/2017



(5) IEEE国际地学与遥感大会(IGARSS)“Recent Advances in GNSS-R and SoOp-R Applications and Modelling (II)”分会合作主席,马来西亚吉隆坡,17-22/07/2022

(6) IEEE8届物联网世界论坛(WF-IoT)研讨会 “Internet of Things (IoT) for Intelligent Mobility and Dynamics: Interconnecting Air, Ground, and Human” 合作主席,日本横滨,26/10/20221/11/2022

(7) IEEEION联合组办的2023年定位导航会议(PLANS)组委会成员,美国加州蒙特雷市, 24-27/04/2023


1)贺小星、花向红、余科根、马梦然、舒颖、马飞虎、龚国栋,一种GPS时间序列广义共模误差提取方法,专利号2015 1 0953730.8,发明专利,授权公布日:2016928

2)文铠、余科根、李英冰、梁伟、张帅、周力璇、金荣河,基于脚戴式惯性测量单元室内行人姿态估计方法,优先权号:2019 1 0615908,发明专利,授权日期:20210416

3)李清泉,张德津,薛卫星,周宝定,陈智鹏,余科根,一种基于八卦阵图德AP选取定位方法、装置及智能设备,发明专利,专利号:ZL2020 1 0588243.7,专利申请日期:20200624,授权日期:20220503

4)花向红;贺小星;曾华明;余科根;宣伟;邱卫宁,基于GNSS接收机的室内外定位服务平台, 2014SR174142,原始取得,全部权利, 2014725(软件著作权)







6. SAR Formation Flying800万澳元),澳大利亚空间研究规划(ASRP)2010/6-2013/6),子项目负责人

7. Interference Mitigation and Location for Body Area Network (35万澳元),澳大利亚Macquarie University2009/6-2010/11),第二负责人

8. High Data Rate Mm-wave Communication Links (200澳元),波音公司和澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织20062009),项目研究专题负责人

9. Sensors and Sensor Networks (300万澳元),澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(2005-2007),子项目负责人

10. Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems (2,000万欧元),欧州委员会(European Commission2003-2006),子项目负责人



1. K. Yu, Theory and Practice of GNSS Reflectometry, Springer and Nature, 2021

2. K. Yu (主编)Indoor Positioning and Navigation(英文版),科学出版社,2018

3. Sharp and K. Yu, Wireless Positioning: Principles and Practice, Springer, June 2018

4. K. Yu(主编), Positioning and Navigation in Complex Environments, IGI Global, January 2018

5. K. Yu, I. Sharp and Y. J. Guo, Ground-Based Wireless Positioning, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2009;中文版由电子工业出版社于2012年出版


1. J.-P. Montillet, K. Yu, L. Bonenberg, and G. Roberts, “Optimization Algorithms in Local and Global Positioning,” Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications in Engineering and Economics (P. Vasant, G.-W. Weber and V.N. Dieu, editors), IGI Global, 2016

2. K. Yu, C. Rizos and A. Dempster, “GNSS Reflectometry for Ocean and Land Applications,” Remote Sensing Handbook, (Prasad S. Thenkabail, editor), Taylor & Francis, pp. 493-507, 2015

3. K. Yu, H. Saarnisaari, J.-P. Montillet, A. Rabbachin, I. Oppermann and G. Abreu, “Localization”, Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications and Networks, (S. Shen, M. Guizani, R. C. Qiu, and T. Le-Ngoc, editors), Wiley, chapter 12, pp. 279 – 304, 2006

4. I. Oppermann, K. Yu, A. Rabbachin, L. Stocia, P. Cheong, J.-P. Montillet, and S. Tiuraniemi, “UWB Location and Tracking—A Practical Example of an UWB-Based Sensor Network,” Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication, (H. Arslan, Z. N. Chen, and M.-G. Di Benedetto, editors), Wiley, chapter 17, pp. 451 – 480, 2006

5. K. Yu and I. Oppermann, “Positioning,” UWB Theory and Applications, (I. Oppermann, M. Hamalainen and J. Iinatti, editors), Wiley, chapter 8, pp. 175 -196, 2004


1.      Wang J,Yu K, Bu J, Lin Y, Han S (2022) Multi-classification of UWB signal propagation channel based on one-dimensional wavelet packet analysis and CNN. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 5 May 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3172863

2.      Bu J,Yu K, Han S, Qian N, Lin Y, Wang J (2022) Retrieval of sea surface rainfall intensity using spaceborne GNSS-R data.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,DOI: 

3.      Yu K, Han S, Bu J, An Y, Zhou Z, Wang C, Tabibi S, Cheong J-W (2022) Spaceborne GNSS reflectometry, Remote Sensing, 14(7), 1605. 27 March 2022

4.      Bu J,Yu K(2022) Significant wave height retrieval method based on spaceborne GNSS reflectometry. IEEE GRSL, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2022.3155563

5.      Yang R, Deng C,Yu K, Li Z, Pan L (2022) A new way for Cartesian coordinate transformation and its precision evaluation. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(4), 864

6.      Ma X,Yu K, He X, (2022) Development and evaluation of a generalized model of RAIM availability for single-, dual- and multi-satellite faults. Measurement Science and Technology, accepted, February 2022

7.      Lin Y,Yu K, Hao L, Wang J, Bu J (2022) An indoor Wi-Fi localization algorithm using ranging model constructed with transformed RSSI and BP neural network. IEEE Transactions on Communications, DOI: 10.1109/TCOMM.2022.3145408

8.      Ban W, Zhang K,Yu K, Zheng N, Chen S (2022) Detectionof red tide over sea surface using GNSS-R spaceborne observations.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3144289

9.      He X,Yu K, Huang Z, Montillet J-P, Lu T, Lan X, Xiao G, Ma X, Zhou H, Chen Y (2021) Multilevel-teaching/training practice on GNSS principle and application for undergraduate educations: A case study in China. Advances in Space Research, 23 November 2021,

10.    Bu J,Yu K, (2021) Sea surface rainfall detection and intensity retrieval based on GNSS-Reflectometry data from the CYGNSS mission.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 15 November 2021, DOI: 

11.    Zhu Y, Tao T, Li J,Yu K, Wang L, Qu X, Li S, Semmling M, Wickert J ( 2021) Spaceborne GNSS-R for sea ice classification using machine learning Classifiers. Remote Sensing, 13(22), 4577.

12.    Zhou Z,Yu K, Bu J, Li Y, Han S (2021)Snow depth estimation based on combination of pseudorange measurements of GNSS geodetic receivers. Advances in Space Research, accepted, 11 November 2021, 

13.    Li Y,Yu K, Chang X, Jin T, Li J (2021) Estimation of wheat height with SNR observations collected by low-cost navigational GNSS chip and RHCP antenna. IEEE GRSL, 2 November 2021, DOI: 

14.    Zhao B, Hua H,Yu K, He X, Xue W, Li Q, Qi W, Zou L, Li C2021An inverse node graph based method for urban scene segmentation of 3D point cloud. Remote Sensing, 13:1-28, 3201

15.    Li Y,Yu K, Jin T, Chang X, Wang Q, Li J (2021) Development of GNSS-IR instrument based on low-cost positioning chips and its performance evaluation for estimating reflective height variation. GPS Solutions, 25(127):1-12

16.    Cui X,Yu K, Zhang S, Zhou M (2021) Closed-from geometry-aided direction estimation using minimum TDOA measurements. Signal Processing, 188:1-13, 108224

17.    Chen X, An Q,Yu K, Ban Y (2021) A novel fire identification algorithm based on improved color segmentation and enhanced feature data. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70(?):?-? DOI: 

18.    Montillet JP, He X,Yu K, Xiong C (2021) Application of Lévy processes in modelling (geodetic) time series with mixed spectra. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 28(1):121-134.

19.    Bu J,Yu K, Qian N, Zuo X, Chang J (2021) Performance assessment of positioning based on multi-frequency multi-GNSS observations: signal quality, PPP and baseline solution. IEEE Access, 9:5845-5861.

20.    Zhang W,Yu K, Wang W, Li X (2021) A self-adaptive AP selection algorithm based on multi-Objective optimization for indoor WiFi positioning. IEEE Internet of Things, 8(3):1406-1416.

21.    Tao W, Hua X,Yu K, Zhao B (2021) A pipeline for 3-D object recognition based on local shape description in cluttered scenes. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(1):801-816.

22.    Peng X, Chen R,Yu K, Ye F, Xue W (2021) A new Wi-Fi localization algorithm based on RSS characteristic value extraction by hybrid filtering and dynamic selection of number of nearest neighbors. Measurement Science and Technology, 32(034003):1-12.

23.    Peng X, Chen R,Yu K, Ye F, Xue W (2020) An improved weighted K-nearest neighbor algorithm for indoor localization. Electronics, 9(12):1-14, 2117.

24.    Yu K, Li Y, Jin T, Chang X, Wang Q, Li J (2020) GNSS-R-based snow water equivalent estimation with empirical modeling and enhanced SNR-based snow depth estimation. Remote Sensing, 12(23):1-20, 3905.

25.    Bu J,Yu K, Zhu Y, Qian N, Chang J (2020) Developing and testing models for sea surface wind speed estimation with GNSS-R delay Doppler maps and delay waveforms. Remote Sensing, 12(22):1-24, 3760.

26.    Zhu Y, Tao T,Yu K, Qu X, Li S, Wickert J, Semmling M (2020) Machine learning-aided sea ice monitoring using feature sequences extracted from spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry data. Remote Sensing, 12(22):1-20, 3750.

27.    He X,Yu K, Montillet JP, Xiong C, Lu T, Zhou S, Ma X, Cui H, Ming F (2020) GNSS-TS-NRS: An open-source MATLAB based GNSS time series noise reduction software. Remote Sensing,12(21):1-24, 3532.

28.    Xue W,Yu K, Li Q, Hua X, Zhou B, Zhu J, Chen Y, Ma W, Chen Z (2020) Eight-Diagram Based Access Point Selection Algorithm for Indoor Localization. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,69(11):13196-13205.

29.    Zhao B, Hua X,Yu K, Tao W, Feng S, Tian P (2020) Evaluation of convolution operation based on the interpretation of deep learning on 3D point cloud. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13:5088-5101.

30.    Ma X,Yu K, He X, Montillet JP, Li Q (2020)Positioning performance comparison between GPS and BDS with data recorded at four MGEX stations in 2020. IEEE Access, 8:147422-147438.

31.    Tao W, Hua X,Yu K, Wang R, He X (2020)A comparative study of weighting methods for local reference frame. Applied Science, 10(3223):1-14.

32.    Zhao B, Hua X,Yu K, Xuan W, Chen X, Tao W (2020) Indoor point cloud segmentation using iterative Gaussian mapping and improved model fitting. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(11):7890-7907.

33.    Zhu Y, Tao T, Zou J,Yu K, Wickert J, Semmling M (2020) Spaceborne GNSS reflectometry for retrieving sea ice concentration using TDS-1 data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter, 18(4):612-616.

34.    Wen K,Yu K, Li Y, Zhang S, Zhang W (2020) A new quaternion Kalman filter based foot-mounted IMU and UWB tightly-coupled method for indoor pedestrian navigation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(4):4340-4352.

35.    Cui X,Yu K, Zhang S, Wang H (2020) Azimuth-only estimation for TDOA-based direction finding with three-dimensional acoustic array. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69(4):985-994.

36.    Chen X, Liu Q,Yu K(2020)A point cloud feature regularization method by fusing judge criterion of field force. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(5):2994-3006.

37.    Zhu Y, Tao T,Yu K, Li Z, Qu X, Ye Z, Geng J, Semmling M, Wickert J (2020) Sensing sea ice based on Doppler spread analysis of spaceborne GNSS-R data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13:217-226.

38.    Tian P, Hua X,Yu K, Tao W (2020) Robust segmentation of building planar features from unorganized point cloud. IEEE Access, 8(1):30873-30884.

39.    Cui X,Yu K, Zhao B (2019) A measurement-division model for TDOA-based source bearing estimation with unknown propagation speed. IEEE Access, 7:162476-162487.

40.    Chen X,Yu K(2019) Feature line generation and regularization from point clouds. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(12):9779-9790.

41.    He X, Hua X, Montillet J.-P.,Yu K, Zou J, Xiang D, Zhu H, Zhang D, Huang Z, Zhao B (2019) An innovative virtual simulation teaching platform on digital mapping with unmanned aerial vehicle for remote sensing education. Remote Sensing, 11(24):1-18, 2993.

42.    Chang X, Jin T,Yu K, Li Y, Li J (2019) Soil moisture estimation by GNSS multipath signal. Remote Sensing, 11(21):1-16, 2559

43.    Li Y, Chang X,Yu K, Wang S, Li J (2019) Estimation of snow depth using pseudorange and carrier phase observations of GNSS single-frequency signal. GPS Solutions, 23(118):1-13.

44.    Yu K, Wang S, Li Y, Chang X, Li J (2019)Snow depth estimation with GNSS-R dual receiver observation. Remote Sensing, 11(17):1-17, 2056.

45.    Ma X,Yu K,Montillet JP, He X (2019) Equivalence Proof and Performance Analysis of Weighted Least Squares Residual Method and Weighted Parity Vector Method in RAIM. IEEE Access, 7:97803-97814.

46.    Yu K, Li Y, Xin C (2019)Snow depth estimation based on combination of pseudorange and carrier phase of GNSS dual-frequency signals. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(3):1817-1828.

47.    Yu K, Wen K, Li Y, Zhang K (2019)A novel NLOS mitigation algorithm for UWB localization in harsh indoor environments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(1):686-699.

48.    Zhang W, Hua X,Yu K, Qiu W, Zhang S, He X (2019)A novel WiFi indoor positioning strategy based on weighted squared Euclidean distance and local principal gradient direction. Sensor Review, 39(1):99-106.

49.    Xue W, Hua Q, Li Q,Yu K, Qiu W (2018)A new algorithm for indoor RSSI radio map reconstruction. IEEE Access, 6:76118-76125.

50.    Tao W, Hua X,Yu K, He X, Chen X (2018)An improved point-to-plane registration method for terrestrial laser scanning data. IEEE Access, 6:48062-48073.

51.    Xue W, Hua X, Li Q,Yu K, Qiu W, Zhou B, Cheng K (2018) A new weighted algorithm based on the uneven spatial resolution of RSSI for indoor localization. IEEE Access, 6:26588-26595.

52.    Xue W,Yu K, Hua X, Li Q, Qiu W, Zhou B (2018) Aps’ virtual positions based reference point clustering and physical distance based weighting for indoor Wi-Fi positioning. IEEE Internet of Things, 5(4):3031-3042.

53.    Ma X,Yu K, Montillet JP, He X (2018) One-step solution to local tie vector determination at co-located GNSS/VLBI sites.62(4):535-561.

54.    Ara P,Yu K, Cheng S, Dutkiewicz E, Heimlich MC (2018) Human abdomen path-loss modeling and location estimation of wireless capsule endoscope using round-trip propagation loss. IEEESensors Journal, 18(8):3266-3277.

55.    Cui X,Yu K, Lu S (2018) Approximate closed-form TDOA-based estimator for acoustic direction finding via constrained optimization. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(8):3360-3371.

56.    Yu K(2018) Simplified Tsunami modelling and waveform reconstruction with GNSS-R observations. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54(3):1470-1484.

57.    Ban W,Yu K, Zhang X (2018) GEO-satellite-based reflectometry for soil moisture estimation: signal modeling and algorithm development. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(3):1289-1238.

58.    Chen X,Yu K, Wu H (2018) Determination of minimum detectable deformation of terrestrial laser scanning based on error entropy model. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(1):105-116.

59.    Zhu Y,Yu K, Zou J, Wickert J (2017) Sea ice detection based on differential delay-Doppler maps from UK TechDemoSat-1. Sensors, 17(7):1-18.

60.    Yan J,Yu K, Cao Y, Chen L (2017) Attack-resistant received signal strength based compressive sensing wireless localization. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 11(9):4418-4437.

61.    Chen X,Yu K, Zhang G, Hua X, Wu H, An Q (2017) Precision estimation on angular resolution of terrestrial laser scanner. The Photogrammetric Record, 32(159):276-290.

62.    He X, Montillet JP, Hua X,Yu K, Jiang W, Zhou F (2017) Review of current GPS methodologies for producing accurate time series and their error sources. Journal of Geodynamics, 106:12-29.

63.    Luo J, Zhang G,Yu K(2017) An automatically paired two-dimensional direction-of-arrival estimation method for two parallel uniform linear arrays. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 72:46-51.

64.    Zhang W, Hua X,Yu K, Qiu W, Chang X, Chen X (2017) Radius based domain clustering for WiFi indoor positioning. Sensor Review, 37(1):54-60.

65.    He X, Montillet JP, Hua X,Yu K, Jiang W, Zhou F (2017) Noise analysis for environmental loading effect on GPS position time series. Acta Geodyn. Geomater, 14(1):131-142.

66.    Xue W, Qiu W, Hua X,Yu K(2017) Improved Wi-Fi RSSI measurement for Indoor localization. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(7):2224-2230.

67.    Yan J,Yu K, Chen R, Chen L (2017) An improved compressive sensing and received signal strength based target localization algorithm with unknown target population for wireless local area networks. Sensors, 17(6):1-18.