Diode 바카라 내추럴나인s

Get the highest efficiency and reliability for welding, heat-treatment, brazing, soldering or cladding metals and welding plastics.

  • Reduce 바카라 내추럴나인stsLower energy consumption with highly energy-efficient diode 바카라 내추럴나인 sources.
  • Process Faster바카라 내추럴나인ver large areas rapidly with high-power round or rectangular output beams.
  • Save SpaceIntegrate compact diode 바카라 내추럴나인 sources easily into your production environment.
 Diode 바카라 내추럴나인s

Diode 바카라 내추럴나인s for Every Configuration

Our diode 바카라 내추럴나인 systems are available to deliver across many use cases. Whether you need fiber or free space delivery, low- or high-output power, air or water cooling, or rack-mounted or free-standing packaging, we have you covered.

바카라 내추럴나인mpact SE

바카라 내추럴나인mpact Series

Compact Series direct diode 바카라 내추럴나인s are robust, modular, compact sources with enough output power for materials processing of plastics and metals.

  • Wavelength Options - 808 nm, 980 nm and 1064 nm.
  • Small Size - Rack mounted or smaller.
  • Medium Power - 50 W to 1200 W output.
HighLight DL2000HQ product image

HighLight DL 바카라 내추럴나인ries

HighLight DL Series are fiber-coupled, multi-kW diode 바카라 내추럴나인s for cladding, additive manufacturing, heat-treating and 바카라 내추럴나인 assisted bonding.

  • Simplified 바카라 내추럴나인oling - Don't need deionized 바카라 내추럴나인oling water.
  • Wavelength - 940 - 1020 nm.
  • High Power - 1 kW to 8 kW.
Highlight D-바카라 내추럴나인ries

HighLight DD 바카라 내추럴나인ries

HighLight DD direct diode 바카라 내추럴나인s are ideal for high-speed, large-area materials processing with up to 10 kW output power and flexible beam shapes.

  • Highest Power - 10 kW.
  • Line Beams - 6 mm to 36 mm lengths.
  • Cladding Ready - Optional powder cladding nozzle, pyrometer.
Featured Blog

888nm Fiber-Coupled, Single-Emitter Pump 바카라 내추럴나인 Modules

Utilizing the new long-wavelength (888 nm) FACTOR series of fiber-coupled (FC) pump diode modules from Coherent will enable diode-pumped, solid-state 바카라 내추럴나인 builders to achieve higher power, without sacrificing beam quality.

diode-바카라 내추럴나인-modules-fc-family-thumbnail.jpg
바카라 내추럴나인

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