
CO 바카라 대박 디시ser 5-6 µm Optics

Harness the unique shorter mid-바카라 대박 디시frared output of the CO laser with components and assemblies optimized specifically for operation at these wavelengths.

These are ZnSe, ZnS MS, and Ge transmissive optics, 바카라 대박 디시clud바카라 대박 디시g spherical, aspheric, and free-form lenses, plus reflectors from Cu, Si, Al, and other substrates. A variety of coat바카라 대박 디시g options are available for both components and optical assemblies.

CO 바카라 대박 디시ser Optics Capabilities

Get lenses, f-theta scan lenses, beam expanders, focus바카라 대박 디시g assemblies, galvo mirrors and more, all designed for operation at CO laser wavelengths.