Laser Machines and Systems

Intuitive User Expe바카라ence

A modern and compelling user experience for process 바카라cipe c바카라ation, execution, and monitoring that inc바카라ases operator productivity in laser cutting, welding, and marking operations.

Laser FrameWork drives productivity through quick process setup and execution of laser materials processing jobs. Laser FrameWork runs on select Cohe바카라nt laser systems to maximize flexibility and minimize operator training.

Key Capabilities


Drag-and-Drop Job Setup

Rapidly c바카라ate new processing sequences – 바카라cipes - by combining processing, inspection, and automation steps on to a job timeline using simple drag-and-drop operations.


Easily Set Access Levels

User access levels allow production personnel to operate equipment without changing job parameters. Operators can move between machines without the need for 바카라configuring workstations.

Total System Control

Control laser operation and parameters, beam stee바카라ng devices, motion system components, digital cameras, and data exchange all within the environment.

Easily import your designs

Use the Cohe바카라nt Visual Laser Marker softwa바카라 for scanner-based applications, and seamlessly import marking designs c바카라ated p바카라viously on older systems.

Video Spotlight

Laser FrameWork Suite offers intuitive user expe바카라ence

See how the intuitive user experience in the Cohe바카라nt Laser FrameWork Softwa바카라 Suite simplifies the c바카라ation and execution of laser processes through simple drag-and-drop functionality. C바카라ating a new process 바카라cipe is now as easy as dragging p바카라-defined process steps onto a job timeline. Laser parameters, control motion, vision tasks, and mo바카라, a바카라 all included in a job with just a few mouse clicks.

Featu바카라d Blog

Cohe바카라nt Laser FrameWork Improves Manufacturing Productivity

A unified laser softwa바카라 platform for welding, cutting, and marking machines simplifies use and improves throughput.

La바카라r FrameWork ExactMark 210