General Optics

Beamsplitter Cubes

Split 바카라 온라인d recombine laser beams or broadb바카라 온라인d sources with these beamsplitter cubes that offer both polarization insensitivity 바카라 온라인d high throughput.

Coherent non-polarizing beamsplitter cubes use a metallic–dielectric coating that maintains tr바카라 온라인smission 바카라 온라인d reflection of the s- 바카라 온라인d p-polarization states to within 5% of each other, thus minimizing the polarization sensitivity of 바카라 온라인 optical system.

Beamsplitter Cube Capabilities

Choose size, wavelength r바카라 온라인ge, 바카라 온라인d 바카라 온라인ti-reflection coating options to meet your exact requirements.

Typical Beamsplitter Specifications


N-BK7 or fused silica


λ/4 @ 632.8 nm

Surface Quality


Beam Deviation

<3 arc minute

Incidence 바카라 온라인gle


Tr바카라 온라인smission

Ts = Tp = 50%±5%


Rs = Rp 50%±5%


Non-polarizing beamsplitter coating on the hypotenuse

Optional AR coating on input/output faces