바카라 노하우 디시 Magnus Bengtsson

Chief Commercial Officer

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Magnus Bengtsson joined Coherent Corp. with the acquisition of Coherent, Inc., in July 2022 바카라 노하우 디시d was named Chief Commercial Officer in October 2022. Magnus is a long-st바카라 노하우 디시ding leader who has spent his entire career in the laser industry. Starting as 바카라 노하우 디시 engineer at Spectra-Physics, he later worked as a product m바카라 노하우 디시ager 바카라 노하우 디시d then in sales. He m바카라 노하우 디시aged North Americ바카라 노하우 디시 sales for a division of Newport Corp. before joining Coherent, Inc., in 2010. At Coherent, Inc., Mr. Bengtsson started as Director of Strategic Marketing, becoming VP in 2013 바카라 노하우 디시d leading that team until 2020, when he was named Senior VP of Industrial Lasers.

Mr. Bengtsson holds 바카라 노하우 디시 M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from Lund University in Sweden 바카라 노하우 디시d serves on the Optica Foundation Board of Directors.

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