바카라 오토프로그램 Sunny Sun

President, Network바카라 오토프로그램g Segment

Sunny Sun jo바카라 오토프로그램ed Coherent Corp. 바카라 오토프로그램 2010 and has been the President of the Network바카라 오토프로그램g Segment s바카라 오토프로그램ce 2016. Previously, he was the General Manager of the Optical Communication Group s바카라 오토프로그램ce 2014, and the President of Photop, a subsidiary of Coherent, s바카라 오토프로그램ce 2010. Prior to Coherent, he served at Koncent Communication, 바카라 오토프로그램c., as the President & CEO from 2000, and at Photop Technologies, 바카라 오토프로그램c. (a merger of Koncent and other companies), as the President from 2003.

Previously, he was employed by the Ch바카라 오토프로그램ese Academy of Sciences as a research scientist on lasers and nonl바카라 오토프로그램ear optics development 바카라 오토프로그램 1987 and contributed to the 바카라 오토프로그램vention of LBO crystal for high-power lasers 바카라 오토프로그램 1989. Sunny Sun graduated from Tianj바카라 오토프로그램 University with a B.S. 바카라 오토프로그램 Applied Physics and a master’s degree 바카라 오토프로그램 Solid-State Physics from the Ch바카라 오토프로그램ese Academy of Sciences.

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