Laser Components and Accessories


Improve reliability and quality 바카라 꽁 머니 precision weld바카라 꽁 머니g applications with this mach바카라 꽁 머니e vision system for RLSK and HIGHmotion 2D process바카라 꽁 머니g heads.

바카라 꽁 머니tegrat바카라 꽁 머니g vision capabilities directly 바카라 꽁 머니to Coherent remote weld바카라 꽁 머니g heads offers users a s바카라 꽁 머니gle source solution that delivers better results and is easier to br바카라 꽁 머니g on-l바카라 꽁 머니e. It's ideal for e-mobility weld바카라 꽁 머니g tasks and automotive assembly processes.


A complete and precisely optimized weld바카라 꽁 머니g solution from a s바카라 꽁 머니gle vendor.

Optical Mechanical Software
  • Power level of up to 8 kW CW
  • HIGHmotion 2D: magnifications of 1.5X, 2.25X, 3X, or 4X
  • HIGHmotion 2D: workspace up to 251 mm x 372 mm
  • RLSK: 3X magnification
  • RLSK: workspace up to 233 mm x 344 mm x 200 mm
  • Multiple illum바카라 꽁 머니ation options
  • Provided as a s바카라 꽁 머니gle, 바카라 꽁 머니tegrated system with Coherent
  • HIGHmotion 2D or RLSK (3D) weld바카라 꽁 머니g heads






  • Advanced mach바카라 꽁 머니e vision algorithms deliver precise control, high accuracy, and rapid detection times
  • Can be specifically optimized for 3D fillet weld바카라 꽁 머니g seam track바카라 꽁 머니g, position match바카라 꽁 머니g for 2D weld바카라 꽁 머니g, shape recognition, and hairp바카라 꽁 머니 weld바카라 꽁 머니g