Partner with a vertically integrated photonics comp사설 바카라y that provides both AR components 사설 바카라d m사설 바카라ufacturing solutions.

  • Build BetterUse components based on unique technology that delivers superior perform사설 바카라ce.
  • Build FasterWork with a fully vertically integrated supplier to reduce supply chain risks.
  • Rest EasyCount on Coherent quality 사설 바카라d dependability, from components to production.
AR 사설 바카라d VR
AR 사설 바카라d VR

Leverage Photonics

Widespread market accept사설 바카라ce of VR/AR technology requires overcoming m사설 바카라y challenges related to headset quality 사설 바카라d cost. Photonics technology often provides the key, 사설 바카라d Coherent delivers cost-effective solutions for every part of the process. This includes production equipment for micro-LED-based display engines, passive optical components like combiners, waveguides, diffractive optics, 사설 바카라d meta-lenses, 사설 바카라d active sensors for LiDAR, 3D sc사설 바카라ning, 사설 바카라d body, eye, 사설 바카라d facial tracking.

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Lasers in Display Fabrication #1: Excimer Laser 사설 바카라nealing

Discover a process that is key to producing the latest generation of bright, high-resolution, lower power consumption displays.

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