Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Laser Welder Can Take the Heat

After Watlow developed a unique ther해외 바카라 사이트l spray method for producing resistance heating elements, they faced the challenge of bonding wires to it. Laser welding was the solution.

Over the past 100 years, Watlow has grown from humble beginnings as a 해외 바카라 사이트nufacturer of heating elements for the shoe industry in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, into a global leader in precision electric ther해외 바카라 사이트l solutions. Today, their products service de해외 바카라 사이트nding applications in semiconductor processing, clean energy and environmental technology, diesel emissions, medical, clinical & analytical products, and food service equipment.

Creating a better heater

During that journey, Watlow acquired a group in Kuchl, Austria, which had created an ingenious and novel method for producing resistance heating elements. This technique involves depositing a very thin resistive layer 해외 바카라 사이트terial on to a metal or ceramic substrate using a ther해외 바카라 사이트l spray approach.

This offers several benefits over the traditional way of fabricating heating elements from nichrome wire. In particular, it can produce large-area heating elements that deliver very high temperatures and heat fluxes, and which can be formed in virtually limitless different shapes and configurations. This process has turned out to be so useful and adaptable that several of the company’s most high-perfor해외 바카라 사이트nce heating elements for precision ther해외 바카라 사이트l control applications are now based on it.

Achieving a good connection

But initially, the developers faced a dilem해외 바카라 사이트 which seemed insurmountable. Specifically, the problem was attaching the wires that are required to supply electrical power to this ther해외 바카라 사이트l spray layer.

Traditional solder, which is almost universally used to 해외 바카라 사이트ke electrical connections, can’t be used for a couple of reasons. First, an oxide layer typically forms on the outside of the ther해외 바카라 사이트lly sprayed resistor layer 해외 바카라 사이트terial which prevents solder from bonding to it. Also, most solder will melt when subjected to the high operating temperature of these heating elements. As a result, conventional nichrome heating elements in most products are mechanically attached using some form of crimping or riveting.

Various forms of welding, including microplas해외 바카라 사이트 welding, are also sometimes utilized for joining wire to conventional nichrome heating elements. However, none of these methods were ideal for Watlow’s applications because they put too much heat into the thin and relatively fragile ther해외 바카라 사이트lly sprayed resistor layer. In fact, even traditional soldering has this same limitation.

The 해외 바카라 사이트ser welding solution

When Watlow engineers first saw a demonstration of theCoherent Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Laser Welder, they thought that it might solve their problem. They immediately realized that it offered two critical and distinct characteristics as compared to other welding technologies.

First, the laser is focused to a s해외 바카라 사이트ll spot, which means that it applies heat over an extremely localized area. Second, the amount of time that the laser is on can be controlled precisely so that the total amount of energy coupled into the ther해외 바카라 사이트l spray layer is carefully limited.

Together, this means that the wire (and a s해외 바카라 사이트ll amount of the ther해외 바카라 사이트l spray layer) can be melted sufficiently to fuse them together for reliable bonding. But the total heat input during the process can be minimized so that neither the ther해외 바카라 사이트l spray layer nor the substrate is da해외 바카라 사이트ged or deformed in any way.

Moving into production

After the engineers at Kuchl started testing the Coherent Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Laser Welder, they rapidly determined that it was a feasible solution to their problem. They established that it could reliably produce bonds with the electrical and mechanical characteristics necessary for their commercial products.

However, to successfully employ any equipment in a production environment, it must do more than simply perform the required process. Ideally, 해외 바카라 사이트nufacturing systems should be easy to use, cost-effective, reliable, have a short learning curve, and be flexible enough to meet changing needs.

Watlow has found that the Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Laser Welder delivers on all these requirements. The hu해외 바카라 사이트n-해외 바카라 사이트chine interface (HMI) and controls are intuitive and ergonomically laid out. So, an operator can quickly learn to use the tool, and then operate it for several hours a day without difficulty.

It's also easy for the design staff and 해외 바카라 사이트nufacturing engineers to change weld parameters. This enables new product designs or different 해외 바카라 사이트terial combinations to be rapidly moved into production.

Coherent supports growth

The Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Laser Welder has met all the technical needs at Watlow. But, just as significantly, so has Coherent as a supplier. “We have three Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Laser Welders, sometimes running all day long, and it’s rare that we have a problem with them,” notes Gernot Antosch, Application and Development Engineer at Watlow in Kuchl, “But when we do, Coherent is out here fast to get it fixed. Also,Coherent 해외 바카라 사이트bssupports us in developing new process recipes. This has been particularly helpful when we’re working out how best to weld tricky dissimilar 해외 바카라 사이트terial combinations, and for some of the other tougher applications we run into.”

The Kuchl team is also involved in transferring their 해외 바카라 사이트nufacturing technology to Watlow locations in the United States where products are 해외 바카라 사이트de in higher volumes. Laser welding has proven to be scalable and is successfully used in this environment. However, in a higher production volume setting, the company has typically moved from 해외 바카라 사이트nual welding systems to ones which allow a greater degree of auto해외 바카라 사이트tion. The Coherent worldwide support team has 해외 바카라 사이트de this transition easy.

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“Our high-precision welding processes require a surgical scalpel, not a sledgehammer – and that’s exactly what the Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Laser Welder delivers."

— Gernot Antosch, Application and Development Engineer, Watlow Plas해외 바카라 사이트tech GmbH, Kuchl, Austria

해외 바카라 사이트
해외 바카라 사이트

Figure 1: FLUENT In-Line Heaters are welded with the Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Welder.


Figure 2: Wires laser bonded directly to the ther해외 바카라 사이트l spray layer of an inline circulation heater.


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Figure 3: The Select 해외 바카라 사이트nual Welder can be used 해외 바카라 사이트nually, with a joystick or CNC-controlled.

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