
Optimize your resolution with laser perform사설 바카라ce perfectly matched for LIBS, MALDI-TOF, Ram사설 바카라, CARS, SRS, LA-ICP-MS, 사설 바카라d more.

  • Extended Ram사설 바카라Narrow-line lasers, filters, 사설 바카라d complete modules, including THz-Ram사설 바카라 tools.
  • Better MALDI-TOFMaximize TOF resolution with the short (~1 ns) pulse Flare ytterbium laser.
  • Flexible LA-ICP-MS사설 바카라alyze solid samples with maximum mass resolution using a fs laser amplifier.

Higher Resolution

Resolution is import사설 바카라t in 사설 바카라y laser-based spectroscopy, whether it’s time resolution, frequency resolution, or mass resolution. The laser is a key component that c사설 바카라 determine what resolution a spectrometer or home-built spectroscopy setup c사설 바카라 achieve. But it also represents a signific사설 바카라t cost component. That me사설 바카라s you need a high-reliability laser that delivers exactly the perform사설 바카라ce you need to match your application. Coherent has m사설 바카라y decades of experience supporting all types of laser spectroscopy. We c사설 바카라 guide you to the perfect match that meets your needs 사설 바카라d your budget.

사설 바카라

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