바카라 드래곤 보너스s

Fiber-Coupled Multi-Color 바카라 드래곤 보너스 Modules

Choose up to four wavelengths with powers from mW to 5 W, all combined into one output 바카라 드래곤 보너스 with a choice of single-mode, multimode, or rectangular 바카라 드래곤 보너스.

Our self-contained Fiber-Coupled Multi-Color 바카라 드래곤 보너스 Modules are fully integrated with internal electronics. Their ARM-based firmware simplifies external software control and remote monitoring. They deliver superior performance and reliability for a wide range of life sciences applications.

Multi-바카라 드래곤 보너스lor Modules – Key Performance Options

Get the exact wavelengths and output 바카라 드래곤 보너스 characteristics that your instrument or microscope needs. Separately adjust the power for each wavelength from 5-90%.


Product Specifications

Available  Wavelengths (nm)

Power Options (W)

Overall Dimensions (mm)

Output 바카라 드래곤 보너스 Types

405, 450, 465, 488, 520, 532, 640, 660


276 × 158 × 85

Multimode Rectangular 바카라 드래곤 보너스:

150 µmx450 µm; NA:0.21

Multimode Circular 바카라 드래곤 보너스:

105/125 µm, 200/220 µm, 400/440 µm;

NA:0.15, 0.22

Single Mode 바카라 드래곤 보너스, Custom 바카라 드래곤 보너스


320 × 180 × 100


440 × 300 × 130

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Permanently aligned 바카라 드래곤 보너스 engines based on miniaturized components lower costs, simplify assembly, and deliver better CV for next-generation flow cytometers.

Video Spotlight

A 바카라 드래곤 보너스 Engine
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The next-generation high-volume OEM 바카라 드래곤 보너스 engine for flow cytometry that can fit in the palm of your hand. Configurable wavelength, output power, and stripe pattern to specific OEM customer requirements.