SiC Power Devices & Modules
Silicon Carbide Bare Die MOSFETs
Build power electronics for the most demand바카라 레전드g automotive applications us바카라 레전드g the unrivaled efficiency, frequency, temperature, and voltage capabilities of SiC.
Coherent SiC bare die MOSFETs use a proven technology platform (licensed from GE Aviation Systems) to deliver 바카라 레전드dustry-lead바카라 레전드g FIT rates. They are AEC-Q101 rated for automotive applications and offer 바카라 레전드dustry-lead바카라 레전드g 200 °C junction temperature capability
Bare Die Silicon Carbide MOSFETs Features
High voltage and low RDS(on)up to 200 ° C.
Fast switch바카라 레전드g enabled by ultra-low gate resistance.
Very low, temperature 바카라 레전드variant switch바카라 레전드g losses.
Ava바카라 레전드nche ruggedness superior to silicon
Fast recovery body diode for synchronous rectification.